Spring Edition
Springing Into New Adventures!

At last, Spring has arrived in Maryland, only to turn quickly into summer! We have been wrapping up a few process evaluation projects and are getting started on some new work in June. Despite our busy schedules, our team still takes some time to smell the flowers. Katherine was fortunate to take a hike through Muir Woods and Sausalito in early May, and she thoroughly enjoyed this scenic hike with her best friends. Check out the pictures after in Fun Stuff!.
Best regards,
Dr. Katherine Johnson, President
As Spring arrives in your neighborhood, our team sends you the best of health and our wishes for a vibrant spring, wherever you are!
Congratulations to Sherry McCormack!

Sherry McCormack joined an exceptional club in March- winning the much-deserved B.H. Prasad award for her dedication to the Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP). Sherry has been a guiding light and visionary leader with the Parties Working Collaboratively (PWC) in Arkansas. She has also been a true friend and mentor to many energy services professionals. Congratulations and Best Wishes.
Coast-to-Coast Assignments
The Johnson Consulting Group team has spent months supporting energy efficiency programs from Rhode Island to Oregon.
- Block Island Utility District (BIUD)— Johnson Consulting Group is working with Michaels Energy to administer an island-wide energy efficiency program on Block Island. To learn more about this island, click here: Block Island. For the past two years, we have been assisting the local municipality in administering the BIUD EE Program to residential and commercial customers. Despite setbacks from both COVID-19 and Nor’easters (which canceled our trip in May), BIUD is determined to offer energy audits and rebates to both full-year and seasonal residents. We recently testified before the Rhode Island Public Service Commission on BIUD’s plans for the next program year.
- Arkansas EM&V Review Season – The Independent Evaluation Monitor (IEM) team spends most of May and June reviewing the most recent EM&V reports from the seven Investor-Owned Utilities in Arkansas. The IEM’s Annual Report will be published in late June and will include a summary of program operations and challenges and recommendations for program activities. Thanks to my teammates working on this review, including Afroz Khan, Jake Millette, Eric O’Neil, Gary Ambach, Gregg Eisenberg, Jim Bradford and William Goodrich.
- The Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC) is currently reviewing the Potential Study Request for Proposals put forth by the PWC. Once approved, the RFP will be posted on the Commission website and in other industrial locations. Stay tuned!
- Process Evaluations in the Northwest – Our team has also been quite busy finishing up several reports for the Energy Trust of Oregon (Energy Trust) and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA). We completed a process evaluation of Energy Trust’s Residential Program, which included conducting 123 in-depth interviews with program staff, contractors, market actors and program funders. The final report is forthcoming and posted on the Energy Trust’s website.
- We are also continuing our work with NEEA’s XMP Initiative, promoting energy-efficient pumps and circulators. Our first study was published in January, and we are now working on assessing overall awareness of the new Energy Label that NEEA is used to promote pumps in the Northwest.
Stand by for the The KJ Show!

On Wednesday, May 25, 2022, Katherine will debut her new video talk show on BoldBraveTV.com. It will also be simultaneously broadcast as a radio show on KJ Show.
The KJ Show will include a mix of breaking news and practical advice on how the energy industry will affect you and your family. Katherine will share insights on the changes in the industry, drawing on her experience as a consultant in the energy efficiency industry for the past 30 years.
Fun Stuff
Grit & Granite – was the Book of the Day for the online book club- sales soared to ranking #375 in legal thrillers on Amazon, up from #4,800. A focus group of book readers- registered a “Buy” rating of 33%. (The average buy rating is 10% or less). Check it out on Amazon Link or the Audio Link.
Check out our new website for Grit & Granite, http://www.kj-writes.com/. Also available on Amazon: Grit & Granite-A Novel.
Congratulations Graduates!
Benjamin Johnson, Katherine’s son, graduated with a Master of Divinity from the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Jasper S. Lee, Katherine’s nephew, graduated with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Miami (FL) and will be a post-doctoral research fellow at Massachusetts General (Harvard) for the next few years.

Where in the World is KJ?
- August 21-26, 2022, ACEEE Summer Study on Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA
- September 28-30, 2022, Energy Evaluation Europe 2022 Conference, Energy Evaluation Organization, Paris-Barclay, France