Katherine presented at the virtual Energy Evaluation Europe Conference in March, 2021. The conference proceedings are available online https://energy-evaluation.org/.

This paper describes the process evaluation “best practice” that has been used effectively in several jurisdictions to ensure that program recommendations are well-formulated, strategic, and monitored throughout the evaluation cycle. It begins by describing the types of recommendations that truly make a difference- strategic recommendation that focus on measurable improvements in program delivery- rather than tactical recommendations that target minor adjustments to program implementation.

Several examples from real word evaluations are highlighted in this paper, to demonstrate the different ways in which this technique can be modified to meet differing program goals. Specific tactics discussed include:

  • creating a recommendation tracking database that organizes each recommendation by topic, sector, and category;
  • classifying the current status of each recommendation; and the reporting interval for updating program recommendations.

This approach has been well-received by program administrators and public service commissions. An example recommendation tracker template is also included in this paper so attendees have a take-away that provides immediate and lasting value. Click here to see the presentation or download the paper.

On-bill financing programs have been approved by state utility regulators in Virginia. Rappahannock Electric Co-op is currently considering a popular financing program design, Pay-As-You-Save (PAYS).

The on-bill financing program being pursued by Rappahannock Electric Co-op after a 2020 Virginia law authorized state utility regulators to pre-approve the program for electric co-ops in Virginia. Presenters at this forum continued (https://repowerrec.com/):

  • Rory McIlmoil from Appalachian Voices
  • Liz Veazey from Solar United Neighbors, and
  • Katherine Johnson from Johnson Consulting Group.

Katherine summarized the history of PAYS programs that have been successfully used for rural electric cooperatives across the US. Clink here to see her presentation.

In the future, on-bill financing could be used for solar, battery storage, or other technologies that increase energy savings. Repower REC hosted this forum for Rappahannock Electric Co-op members to learn about how these programs have helped electric co-op members around the country reduce their power bills.

This event was co-hosted: Appalachian Voices, The Piedmont Environmental Council, Solar United Neighbors, and Virginia Interfaith Power & Light.

Radio Blog—Breaking Through – link to Live Radio broadcast on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 2 p.m. —Click here to listen to live broadcast: Katherine Johnson’s Live Radio Blog

Grit & GraniteA Novel is a semi-finalist for the Chanticleer Literary and Contemporary Fiction Semi-Finalist

Coming soon as an international e-book and an audio book.

Check out a sample recording.

Where in the World is KJ (Virtually)

Fun Stuff

Emily’s installation in Maine “Sorry We Missed You”

Emily, our budding artist, continues her artistic pursuits despite COVID-19. As a post-graduate from the Maine College of Art with a Masters in Fine Arts (MFA), Emily developed an installation showcasing her baking skills. During the shut-down, Emily has rediscovered her love of baking, and has been exploring her traditional Scandinavian heritage. Together, these have resulted in many wonderful breads, cookies, and cobblers. Check out Emily’s installation here: https://www.meca.edu/about/institute-of-contemporary-art/currently-on-view/ 

Check out our new website for Grit & Granite, http://www.kj-writes.com/. Also available on Amazon: Grit & Granite-A Novel 

Johnson Consulting Group | 1033 Lindfield Drive, Frederick, MD 21702