Dr. KJ has launched a substack newsletter!
This newsletter will be your dose of energy reality in the changing and confusing world of energy. The energy industry is a cornerstone of our economy— and energy affects every aspect of our lives.
Check out The KJ Show, featuring Dr. Katherine Johnson, a mix of breaking news combined with practical advice on the ways in which the energy industry affects you and your family. Katherine shares insights on the changes in the industry drawing on her experience in the energy efficiency industry for the past 30 years.
Our Services
EM&V, Energy Efficiency Consulting, Market Research, Process and Impact Evaluations.
We are a professional yet approachable group; you’ll get top notch analysis and good ideas, but you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to read and fully understand our reports.
Johnson Consulting Group provides practical answers to complex questions. Johnson Consulting Group is a woman-owned strategic consulting firm specializing in the energy efficiency field. Our focus is to help energy organizations, public service commissions and corporations better understand the opportunities, barriers, and trends in the energy efficiency market. We ask the important questions so our clients have the information they need to launch new programs, refine existing products, streamline current operations or understand customer decision-making.
Our Services
Conducting process and impact evaluations including questionnaire development, analysis, and program logic flow, and determining net savings impacts accounting for free ridership and free drivership. Katherine has authored more than 200 process and impact evaluations for energy utilities throughout the US and Canada.
Market Research and Analysis
Conducting technical and market potential studies to determine market conditions and identify market opportunities.
Strategic and Tactical Consulting
Providing guidance to organizations interested in launching innovative programs.
Publishing and Seminars
Webinars – Conceptualize, organize and facilitate “distance learning” with low-tech and high-tech alternatives.
Case Studies and White Papers
That describe effective program strategies and deployment tactics.
Our newsletters

Sending Summer Greetings!
Summer days are always active at Johnson Consulting Group. Our evaluation and research work, including reviews and reports, keeps us busily engaged with our clients coast-to-coast. But we wanted to wish you a delightful summer season that will be filled with family fun, barbeques, peaceful walks (or bike rides) in woodland trails and leisurely days near the water. Take a break, take a breath, and enjoy this glorious season!

Springing into Action!
As we turn the page to a new year, we are thankful for the wonderful projects, colleagues and associates we worked with during 2022. This year also brought new opportunities to expand our work to codes and standards and to develop a better understanding market dynamics of commercial pumps and motors. We were fortunate to continue our evaluation activities with several long-term clients, including the Arkansas Public Service Commission and multiple utilities in the US and Canada....

Sunny Greetings from Johnson Consulting Group!
Summer was Mark Twain’s favorite season, and one summer long ago, I first discovered The Adventures of Tom Sawyer during an idyllic vacation at a lake cottage in Northern Minnesota. A few days ago, I was floating (not sailing) on my mini-cat sailboat in the Chesapeake Bay, recalling my childhood memories of boating and floating in the Minnesota lakes and rivers. As we paddled our boat towards shore...

Springing Into New Adventures!
At last, Spring has arrived in Maryland, only to turn quickly into summer! We have been wrapping up a few process evaluation projects and are getting started on some new work in June. Despite our busy schedules, our team still takes some time to smell the flowers....

Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
As the holiday season approaches and 2021 draws to a close, we want to take a moment and send our warmest holiday wishes to our friends and colleagues. At Johnson Consulting Group, we had another outstanding year, working with our clients and team members on a variety of unique research and evaluation projects. We missed seeing you in person, as the Zoom meeting backgrounds became all too familiar.

Happy Spring!
It will be a wonderful day indeed, hopefully soon, when we can once again celebrate the joys of spring with our friends and colleagues. We have been keeping quite busy in the past few months, working on evaluations, fine-tuning our reports, and closely monitoring the changes across the world. As we emerge from the forced hibernation of COVID-19, the Johnson Consulting Group team will be busy preparing for the latest set of EM&V ...

What Did You Do During the COVID-19 Lockdown? ...
This year has been one of the most unexpected and certainly, unprecedented experiences for all of us. But we have adapted to Zoom calls, sheltering in place (literally), and discovered resourceful ways to manage the delicate work-life balance. We continue to assist our clients in program evaluation, EM&V planning, and exciting market research activities. But, we have also spent our "lockdown" developing two new ...

"From you have I been absent in the spring"
Truer words were never written, as we are absent from our dear friends and colleagues this spring. Our daily routines have been upended with the ripple effect of this pandemic interrupting graduation plans, family reunions, and travel adventures. At Johnson Consulting Group, we are lucky to have a developed a "virtual" office environment that allows our staff to continue to collaborate on upcoming projects ...
Learn about the johnson consulting forest

Energy News Network Quotes Johnson
Energy News Network article highlights Arkansas' energy efficiency leadership in the Southeast and quotes Dr. Katherine Johnson as well as utility commission chairwoman Sandra Hochsetter Byrd.

Katherine's First Novel
Grit & Granite, Katherine's first novel, is available in softcover or ebook formats!

Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide
Grit & Granite, Katherine's first novel, is available in softcover or ebook formats!
Our newsletters

Sending Summer Greetings!
Summer days are always active at Johnson Consulting Group. Our evaluation and research work, including reviews and reports, keeps us busily engaged with our clients coast-to-coast. But we wanted to wish you a delightful summer season that will be filled with family fun, barbeques, peaceful walks (or bike rides) in woodland trails and leisurely days near the water. Take a break, take a breath, and enjoy this glorious season!

Springing into Action!
As we turn the page to a new year, we are thankful for the wonderful projects, colleagues and associates we worked with during 2022. This year also brought new opportunities to expand our work to codes and standards and to develop a better understanding market dynamics of commercial pumps and motors. We were fortunate to continue our evaluation activities with several long-term clients, including the Arkansas Public Service Commission and multiple utilities in the US and Canada....

Sunny Greetings from Johnson Consulting Group!
Summer was Mark Twain’s favorite season, and one summer long ago, I first discovered The Adventures of Tom Sawyer during an idyllic vacation at a lake cottage in Northern Minnesota. A few days ago, I was floating (not sailing) on my mini-cat sailboat in the Chesapeake Bay, recalling my childhood memories of boating and floating in the Minnesota lakes and rivers. As we paddled our boat towards shore...

Springing Into New Adventures!
At last, Spring has arrived in Maryland, only to turn quickly into summer! We have been wrapping up a few process evaluation projects and are getting started on some new work in June. Despite our busy schedules, our team still takes some time to smell the flowers. Katherine was fortunate to take a hike through Muir Woods and Sausalito in early May, and she thoroughly enjoyed this scenic hike with her best friends. Check out the pictures after in Fun Stuff!.

Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
As the holiday season approaches and 2021 draws to a close, we want to take a moment and send our warmest holiday wishes to our friends and colleagues. At Johnson Consulting Group, we had another outstanding year, working with our clients and team members on a variety of unique research and evaluation projects. We missed seeing you in person, as the Zoom meeting backgrounds became all too familiar.

Happy Spring!
It will be a wonderful day indeed, hopefully soon, when we can once again celebrate the joys of spring with our friends and colleagues. We have been keeping quite busy in the past few months, working on evaluations, fine-tuning our reports, and closely monitoring the changes across the world. As we emerge from the forced hibernation of COVID-19, the Johnson Consulting Group team will be busy preparing for the latest set of EM&V ...

What Did You Do During the COVID-19 Lockdown? ...
This year has been one of the most unexpected and certainly, unprecedented experiences for all of us. But we have adapted to Zoom calls, sheltering in place (literally), and discovered resourceful ways to manage the delicate work-life balance. We continue to assist our clients in program evaluation, EM&V planning, and exciting market research activities. But, we have also spent our "lockdown" developing two new ...

"From you have I been absent in the spring"
Truer words were never written, as we are absent from our dear friends and colleagues this spring. Our daily routines have been upended with the ripple effect of this pandemic interrupting graduation plans, family reunions, and travel adventures. At Johnson Consulting Group, we are lucky to have a developed a "virtual" office environment that allows our staff to continue to collaborate on upcoming projects ...